Performance with Xenia Pestova
Rozsa Center Calgary on June 1st, 2018
Performance with Xenia Pestova
May 16, 2008, McGill University Montréal
Performance with Sebastian Berweck
November 25, 2011, piano+ Festival ZKM Karlsruhe
Performance with Frank Gutschmidt
Festival Tage Neuer Musik Weimar, October 10, 2010
To obtain a printed copy and/or a download link to the score, follow this link to BabelScores
The electronic part is realized as an Max/MSP patch for Max 7, 64 bit
download electronics for Mac – (version august 2019)
technical requirements:
2 microphones (Neumann 184)
8-channel loudspeaker system, sourrounding the public
1 stage monitor
laptop MacBook Pro
soundcard RME Hammerfall + HDSPe Express card
MIDI-sustain pedal
converter sustain-to-MIDI
The signal of both microphones will be used to amplify the piano through speakers 1 and 2. Both microphones are send through Aux 1 and 2 to my sound-card Hammerfall Multiface (symmetrical TRS-connectors).
The 8-channel output of the sound-card (8 symmetrical TRS) will be fed to the console for redistribution over the 8 loudspeakers.