Hans Tutschku

duos for one pianist

for improvising pianist with AI controlled player piano
year: 2024
duration: 12:00 min
studio: Harvard University Studio for Electroacoustic Composition
first performance: April 06, 2024 by Hans Tutschku , Fromm Players at Harvard Festival

improvised dialog between the pianist and an AI environment containing several listening and playing algorithms, which are reproduced on the left Steinway Spirio-r

A library of gestural and harmonic material was created as the foundation for the AI's learning during several rehearsals and improvisations. In the current performance, the AI continues to learn dynamically in real-time from the pianist, who responds to the AI's outputs, which are played on a player piano. This results in a rich feedback loop of stimuli, where the gestural library and live stimuli processes operate simultaneously.



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