Hans Tutschku


for mezzo soprano, flute, viola and harp
year: 1996
duration: 10:30 min

upon the poem "Es wird später" by Karl Lubomirski

The metaphor of approach and withdrawal takes place at different levels. The syllables of the text "It's getting late" in the original and in the French translation are disorganized at the beginning, with rapid switching between the two languages. Gradually one approaches the text, parts are put together - but before the text would appear in its whole, we are already moving away again.
The composition is divided into three parts, each in turn divided into three parts. Within each section, different relationships between speed, metric and density of events are developing. Nine chords, each consisting of five notes, are the starting point for nine short melodies, which undergo - in relation to the rhythmic sections - transformations of their shape.
It is a piece about the fragility of every moment.

concert recording with

Colette Hochain – mezzo soprano
Sophie Dardeau – flute
Emmanuel Haratyk – viola
Virginie Tarrete – harp
Daniel Kawka – conductor


Poem by Karl Lubomirski


Es wird später
Vögel ziehn nach Norden
wieder ohne mich
Am Wegrand kniet die erste Blume über grauer Krume
stehn schon Lerchen

Tage tragen ihren Lorbeer
in die leichten Flüsse
Über Tempelstufen sonnenschwerer Meere schreitet Blütenstaub ins Leere

Es wird später



Il se fait plus tard
Des oiseaux vont vers le nord
sans moi de nouveau
Au bord du chemin la première fleur s’agenouille
au-dessus de la croûte grise
des alouettes déjà

Les jours portent leur laurier
dans les rivières légères
Sur les marches du temple de mers lourdes de soleil
s’avance vers le ciel le pollen

Il se fait plus tard

(translation: Jacques Legrand)

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